Barn Owl (Tyto alba)
Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)
Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)
Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus)
Pintail (Anas acuta)
Wigeon (Anas penelope)
Dersingham Church
Lichenoglyphics on the headstones in the Churchyard
This one abundant on Church flint walls and in this case headstones.
Diploicia canescens
Wall Scalewort (Porella platyphylla)
On the Churchyard walls
The one on the right has white tips to the primaries, quite a thick band of yellow on the tail and a sharp border to the throat patch.
Suggests Ad ♂︎
More tricky - no white tips to the primaries, three red tips to the secondaries. Difficult to see the nature of the throat patch.
Likely 1st W ♂︎
Judging by the well defined throat patches these are both males but age?
Strong, well defined white tips to the primaries. Good amount of yellow on wing and tail. Throat patch a little less easy to see.
Probably Ad ♂︎
The one on the right. No white tips on primaries. Thin yellow band on tail.
Porbably 1st W ♀︎
1st W ♀︎?
Ad ♀︎?
The one in the middle 1W♂︎?
A party of seven Waxwings Bombycilla garullus) on the edge of Beeston Common
Ageing and sexing criteria from Teesmouth Bird Club
Raveningham Hall
The ring had not been moved for many a long year.
Scarrow Beck - Wickmere
Great Horsetail (Equisetum telmateia)
Polypody Sp
North Denes
Field Bird's Nest (Cyathus olla)
Paltry Puffball (Bovista plumbea)
Hairy Parachute (Crinipellis scabella)
Dune cup (Peziza amophila)
Entoloma Sp?
Feathered Stalkball (Onygena corvina) on the feathers of a dead Razorbill.
Stacking by hand in the field about 40 shots.
Fungus Sp?
Clitocybe rivulosa/dealbata?
Clustered Domecap (Lyophyllum decastes)
Psathyrella ammophila?
Sea Sandwort (Honckenya peploides)
Mycena chlorantha
Neotiella rutilans
Canonball Fungus (Sphaerobolus stellatus)
Nestled in amongst Capillary Thread-moss (Bryum capillare)
Stacked by hand in the field.
Tuning Fork Fungus Sp?
Sea Holly decaying. (Eringium maritimum)
Fungus Sp?
Sheep's Bit Scabious (Jasione montana)
Small fluffy white fungus on an Elder Twig
Slightly more grown up versions below.
This group was about 2mm across
No to sure about the ghosting although the picture has been touched up.
Small fluffy white fungus on an Elder Twig Sp?
Tony M
I reckon those lovely small white fluffy fungi on the elder twig are Lachnella alboviolascens.
twinkling of about twenty Snow Buntings flew along the beach
and something extra
The small orange fungus that Stewart brought with him.
The diagonal length was about 1mm
Again from
Tony M
The small orange fungus that Stewart brought along
was Flammocladiella decora/Nectria decora [on an invisible host of
Massaria gigantispora] on a Field Maple twig.
Taken using a X10 Nikon microscope objective
One murky misty morning the sun slowly broke through.
Pnkfeet (Anser brachyrhynchus) flying out from the roost for the day.
A Sticky Groundsel (Senecia viscosus) still in flower.
Two Shorelarks preening and feeding in amongst the stones.