A few photos from the DNA Bar Coding Workshop attended by members of the Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists Society
(Norfolk Fungus Study Group & The Norfolk & Suffolk Bryophyte Group members in particular)
held at the
Earlham Institute
Barcoding the Broads
To our esteemed presenter
A big
Thank you
Revisitng old skills or acquiring the new skill of using a pipette.
( The last time I used one of these you sucked up the required amount if memory serves)
The mini PCR Machine
One of the more delicate skills. Penetrating the surface layer and filling the well with the sample without spilling it!
A vast variety of techniques for holding the pipette steady.
There was only one left hander.
The individual wells being filled.
If anyone could send me a phone pick of the results it would be much appreciated.
Thanks to Anne for the image above.
The Final Analysis.
If it worked you should see the luminescent yellow mark. Thus in our case 6 out of 9 samples could be sent away fo sequencing.
My apologies for some movement in some of the photos. Taking pictures indoors is not something I do very often.
If I were photographing something like this again I would photographs bits of each stage to match DNA Barcoding Protocol