Cley-Warham Greens-Aylmerton
Cley-Warham Greens-Aylmerton
20/12/22 16:31
Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea)
Kingfisher ♀︎(Alcedo atthis)
Pink-footed Goose
A family of three Otters swam down the drain towards the sluice on the East Bank
putting on a marvellous display of gnashing teeth, sqealing, & squabbling amid swirling water and intermittent loud cries.
Warham Greens
A distant view of the Pallid Harrier
Hen Harrier (Ringtail)
Marsh Harrier
Great White Egret
Red Kite
One of three Whooper Swans (Cygnus cygnus)