Alder (Alnus glutinosa)
Yellow Water Lilly (Nyphea lutea)
Guelder Rose (Viburnum opulus)
Barnham Broom Fen
Something from Hoveton to wet everyone's appetite
Sultanas on a stick?
Pine Jelly (Exidia saccharina)
Barnham Broom Fen
Fresh Reed Cutting
New ponds
Alder (Alnus glutinosa) woodland. - About 40 years old.
Older Alder
Galerina Sp with Swan's-neck Thyme-moss (Mnium hornum) in the background.
Mycelium pattern of Dewdrop Bonnet (Hemimycena tortuosa)
Dewdrop Bonnet
Mark the top one was taken with the 1.6 filter.
The bottom one was taken with the 1.6 Filter plus the Raynox 250 filter - giving 3.6 magnification.
Fungus growing on a Woodwart Sp
To be identified
Mark - This one taken with the combined 1.6 & 2.5
For comparison a Ruby Red microfungi also growing on a Woodwart Sp found at Upgate Common.
This one likely to be dialonectria epispheria
Lichen Sp growing on Oak.
Phlictis argenea
from the
British Lichen Society
On the Hawthorn Berry
Haw Goblet (Monilinia johnsonii)
UK Fungi
Dog's Mercury ( Mercurialis perennis)
Opposite-leaved Golden Saxifrage (Chrysosplenium oppositifolium)
Pinkgill Sp Entoloma Sp
This one confused everyone.
To be determined.
Elfcup Sp
Mark Jpy
Sarcoscypha austriaca, Scarlet Elfcup I found these on rotting fallen logs & thick branches (of Willow sp. I think) in moss.
Under the microscope the cup surface hairs were very colied (ruling out Ruby Elfcup, Sarcoscypha coccinea) & also the spores were too wide for Ruby Elf Cup).
Fungus ona Lichen
Both to be determined.
Mark again the top one taken with the 1.6 and the lower one with the combined 1.6 & 2.5
The Gall of the Yellow flat-footed Fly (Agathomyia wankowiczii) on Artist's Bracket (Ganoderma aplanata)
The little fly is actually a wonderful bright orange with red eyes but very rarely seen.
First UK find was in Kent in 1990.
Alder Goblet Cup Fungus (Ciboria caucus)
Alder(Alnus glutinosa) in the evening light
A brief glimpse of a Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus) over the tree tops.
Eastbridge - Suffolk
Oak (Quercus robur)
Alder (Alnus glutinosa)
Alder (Alnus glutinosa)
Salix Sp