Coral Fungus Sp (Ramaria Sp)
Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus)
Glistening Inkcap (Coprinellus micaceus)?
Hairy Curtain Crust ( Stereum hirsutum)?
Bracket Sp
Small Stagshorn (Calocera cornea)?
Turkey Tail ( Tremetes versicolor)
Very slimey top
Porcelain Fungus (Oudemansialla mucida)
In various stages
Oysterling Sp (Crepidotus Sp)
Hairy Curtain Crust (Stereum hirsutum)?
Parachute Sp (Marismius Sp)?
Leafmine on a Beech Leaf
Small Beech Pygmy (Stigmella tityrella)
Thanks to @Norwichbirder for id
This thread from Lucy Lapwing on Twitter explains a lot
An identification guide to British Leafminers
Stigmella tityrells from Norfolk Moths
Brett's Wood
Elegant Bristle-moss (Orthotrichum pulchellum)
Bank Haircap (Polytrichum formosum)
Southern Crestwort (Lophocolea semiteres)
Even Scalewort (Radula complanata)
Juicy/Woodsy Silk-moss (Plagiothecium succulentum/nemorale)
Does this give enough information to discern which one. If so. Why?
Any help much appreciated.
Cape Thread-moss (Orthodontium lineare) in the early stage of capsules forming. The capsules will eventually point down below the horizontal.
This sample was taken from top of the bark the colony was on.
Pocket-moss Sp (Fissidens Sp)
Slender Pocket-moss (Fissidens exilis)?
Not quite
Leaves definitely not slim enough.
Common Pocket-moss (Fissidens taxifolius)
Thanks to Sharon for asking me look again.
An element of Variable-leaved Crestwort (Lophocolea heterophylla)
Smokey Bracket (Bjerkandera adusta)
Crepidotus Sp
This had globose spores with a spikey surface, which makes it likely to be Round Spored Oysterling (Crepidotus cesatii)