The one on the right has white tips to the primaries, quite a thick band of yellow on the tail and a sharp border to the throat patch.
Suggests Ad ♂︎
More tricky - no white tips to the primaries, three red tips to the secondaries. Difficult to see the nature of the throat patch.
Likely 1st W ♂︎
Judging by the well defined throat patches these are both males but age?
Strong, well defined white tips to the primaries. Good amount of yellow on wing and tail. Throat patch a little less easy to see.
Probably Ad ♂︎
The one on the right. No white tips on primaries. Thin yellow band on tail.
Porbably 1st W ♀︎
1st W ♀︎?
Ad ♀︎?
The one in the middle 1W♂︎?
A party of seven Waxwings Bombycilla garullus) on the edge of Beeston Common
Ageing and sexing criteria from Teesmouth Bird Club